IML 2019: Black & Blue Ball XXL

Twenty-four years ago, a few guys from IML decided there needed to be a Monday night party for the remaining guys in town, so they went to the now bulldozed Man’s Country up in Andersonville and threw a party for about 150 people and the Monday night party tradition began. The event has grown into the massive IML closing party known the world over as “The Black & Blue Ball”. This year marks our 21st year of producing this sexy and dark dance event with DJ/Producer Tom Stephan (London, NYC, Superchumbo) who will make his fourth  appearance as our headliner along with a stellar set by Chicago’s amazing DJ/Producer Karsten Sollors. Chicago’s iconic House Of Blues will play host to this amazing event again this year. And, like last year,we will be changing up the venue from one night to the next so each party is significantly different! Please visit for online weekend dance party pass sales. Locally, in Chicago, stop by The Men’s Room, 3420 N. Halsted, and pick up your individual event tickets in person-cash or credit. There are no “charge by phone” sales, please.
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